So I'm guessing you have a Section 8 Voucher and you are trying to find a landlord who will both accept your voucher/wants to rent to you AND you also like their property? Sounds simple correct? Unfortunately it can sometimes become complicated as there are very few nicely updated houses in safe areas that are available compared to the amount of Section 8 voucher holders. Let me tell you more about us, about the Section 8/ Indianapolis Housing Authority and how to navigate the process to find yourself a new home!
How big is our company?
We are small enough of a company that we are able to apply a personal touch to every interaction we have with both prospective and current tenants. We are not a large corporation that doesn't care about the people who rents our houses. We believe we are doing good things by providing housing to families who need help finding a nice affordable house to live in.
Do we require "Good or Great" Credit?
We, at Heavenly Happy Homes, have the flexibility to consider tenants as overall individuals - even when they might have not so great credit or even prior evictions or Bankruptcies. While many other property management companies won't give you a 2nd chance, we try to say 'Yes', while others will say 'No'.
Do we require 100% of the Security Deposit upfront?
In general 'Yes' we do require the full security deposit prior to the tenant receives the keys to the house. However, if you have a good portion of the security deposit, but are still short. We have local charity organizations that can often help tenants will obtaining their full security deposit. So that we can place them into one of our houses. Of note the security deposit is $1995 for 4 Bedroom houses and $1895 for 3 bedroom houses.
What is the condition of your houses?
Every house we purchase must be brought up to our high standards. The houses must be in very good condition with everything working as expected. Generally after we purchase a house we spend $10,000-$40,000 to remodel/update/repair the property up to our version of 'Rent Ready' condition. This money that is spent BEYOND what was paid to purchase the home. Then of course we will make any repairs or changed necessary for the property to pass the IHA Section 8 inspection process. We have NEVER had any of our properties not pass inspection or re-inspections. We take pride in the quality of our properties and are the complete OPPOSITE of slum lords.
NO Application Fees:
Some property management companies charge each applicant a fee to apply for their properties. We, at Heavenly Happy Homes do NOT do this. We think it's terrible to do this to the perspective tenants. Our business is finding the right tenants and placing them into our remodeled homes. Our business model is NOT generating a profit from people applying to live in our houses! So while many companies do this, we will never ask you for any money to apply.
Hey! Is this a Scam?:
First, sadly you do need to be very careful when you interact with people when searching for a rental. Next, we will NEVER ask you for any private information (like your SSN or your credit card #). Additionally we are one of the few landlords in Indy that have gone through the background check process that Affordable Housing offers, to earn our 'Trusted Owner' badge. Lastly, we will not ask you for ANY money until we have processed your RTA voucher and the house has passed inspection.
Viewing one of our properties:
We receive about 15-35 inquires for each property that we list. We offer houses on a first come, first served basis. So qualified applicants will be offered the next property we have available. This means that sometimes the house listed on AffordableHousing.com already has someone whose RTA is being processed. However, we have 2-5 new houses available each month. So if you don't like the current house or if it was already taken, then we will have additional houses available within the next few weeks. We focus on 3-5 Bedroom single family houses. Our houses are remodeled/updated and in safer areas, so they are in VERY high demand. Typically the houses are assigned to an applicant before the house is even finished with being remodeled. Due to high demand, we only show properties after someone has gone through at least the pre-approval process.
Background/Credit Check:
The only time we ask the Perspective Tenant to spend any money, is after we have spoken to the tenant on the phone, reviewed their Voucher and their IHA Rent Calculation. Then if we believe that a tenant will be approved for a property then we will ask that they go through a 3rd party Background/Credit Check. At that point there is a charge of $30 to Tenant Cloud, who will review and report back on the Tenant's credit score, prior collections, evictions, Bankruptcies, and if they have any criminal history. If you have been honest with us during the process and we have asked you to do a Credit/Background check that means we believe with a high degree of certainty that you will be approved for one of our houses. Further, if you have been honest about your credit/criminal history and we cannot find a house for you within 60 days, we will pay you back any fees you paid for the credit/background check! We are that confident that we won't be wasting your time or money. Again, we will NOT ask you to send us any money at any time during the approval process.
How to get approved for one of our properties:
Step #1: Fill out our free (no cost) pre-application on Tenant Cloud for a property with the same number of bedrooms as you have a Voucher for.
Step #2: Text or call us, to arrange for a 10 minute phone interview.
Step #3: If that phone call goes well, then email or text us a photo of your IHA Rent Calculation form.
Step #4: If we tell you that you are now pre-approved, then we will ask you to complete a Credit/Background check.
Only remaining step is an in person meeting. After that we will ask you to provide the contact information for your case worker and have you sign 2 pages of your RTA. Then email that back to us. We will submit your RTA documents directly to your case worker to get IHA involved with getting your Voucher processed. After that IHA will confirm your RTA is being processed and schedule a date for our property to be inspected. Then we will have you sign a lease, collect your security deposit (Cashier's Check or Money Order), and hand you the keys to the house.